You & me❣

May be your behaviour wins daily but, my character rules out in this game. While You observe, keep calm and make a move…I trust my instincts and nail the odds. You are watchful for yourself where I care for the ones who care. You can’t demean anyone and I never skip to point out. YouContinue reading “You & me❣”

Simply why ?

Why there should be some meaning ? Why to always make some sense ? Why there has to be a purpose ? Simply why ? All of those 👆 are considered as normal. Where, at times or with almost everyone it takes a lot of abnormalities or unwanted actionable activities to attain this so calledContinue reading “Simply why ?”

Never sleep before you RIP.

When days are burdened to fulfill needs of an eternally demanding life then, let’s become friends with night. * Let’s have fun with all those difficulties. * Open all those cards, unveil the hidden. * Experiment even with those broken colors to paint your canvas. * Write your own book and become a proud readerContinue reading “Never sleep before you RIP.”

Confusion is a myth !!

Whenever it feels perplexed I bet, it’s actually not !! At times when you have so much to think or talk or do or even write but, end up doing nothing as a result. It won’t be justified if, this is cosidered as disturbed or confused mind rather , be a sport and take itContinue reading “Confusion is a myth !!”

Need VS Want

Usually any write up ends on a moral, here the moral lies in the title itself. Do we really take care of what we need? 🤷‍♀️ Yes hmmm No 🤐 We usually keep an eye on what we want. Time to raise eye brow ! So, if you are limitless then you should read itContinue reading “Need VS Want”

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